Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Standing on the Rooftop

Music has long been a passion of mine. Since my very first concert, it has been something I have always held dear. Most people love music, which is great. It is something we can all connect with. But something I found out long ago is that not everyone feels as deeply for music as I do. It's just one of those things that makes us different, which is completely fine. Your thing may be art, or technology. I enjoy both of those things, but I'm not in love with them the way I am with music. Since I was quite young, I've felt like it was my mission to find the hidden jewels of the music world. It's something that I enjoy doing, and I find it very rewarding. When you spend an entire day listening to music that most people haven't heard, the fact is you're going to hear a bunch of things you do not favor. But then, when you find that one band or artist who you know you'll love forever, everything seems to fall together. And for me, a new feeling reveals itself from the depths of my soul and is immediately associated with that music. I understand that most people don't have this, and it may be difficult to understand, that's okay.

When I find those musicians, I always want to share them with the world. I'd stand up on a rooftop with a megaphone shouting their information and playing their music if I thought that would bring people to their music. As it turns out, that's not the best way to approach sharing good music, and I won't say I'm disappointed since I have a slight fear of heights. Social media seems to be the best route to take in sharing anything right now. So, I've combined Twitter and Youtube as my sharing stations. So far, things have been going pretty well. I don't really care where this journey takes me, just as long as it brings someone to music that they can feel at home with.