Sunday, December 7, 2014

A Concert Review or Something (Black Mass Tour)

Tuesday, I took my niece to her first concert. I can't even begin to describe to you how perfectly it went, as firsts go. And I am so proud that I got to witness it. By the end of the night, she was fighting back happy tears, which made me almost cry too. And I'm not even a crier. It was a four hour drive one way and every mile was worth it.

     We got there late and unfortunately, we missed one of the openers. However, it happened to be the only band on the bill she didn't want to see. I know that most people don't give a crap about openers. But I find  that often, a great deal of magic happens on stage before the main event. I almost always find a new band to love in these "filler" spots. This night was no exception.

     Our concert experience started with Set it Off. And let me tell you, they had me at introduction. Any band who starts off their set (especially knowing they're the low man on the totem pole) with, "Everybody get the fuck up!" immediately earns my undivided attention. Don't get me wrong, the critic in me is forever present. But even she was impressed. Their on stage energy was fantastic and absolutely gorgeous. I fell in love. I know, I know, I say that a lot about music. But please, never discount that phrase coming from me. When I tell you I fell in love with someone's music, you just imagine the most alive and vibrant love you've ever felt romantically. And then, magnify that feeling by a hundred or so. It's an experience that cannot be topped and that feeling is what makes my world spin.

     On top of putting on a great show, Set it Off was the only band in the lineup to show their faces after it was over. They took silly pictures with us and talked to us for hours, as a group and one on one. And when security kicked us out of the venue, the lead vocalist went outside and hung out with us. When I handed him the information booklet from the album I had just bought, his face lit up and he said, "You bought a CD! Let me sing to you!" Like I was going to say no. This just goes to show how important it is to small bands, signed or unsigned, that you buy their music. I'm not going to go off on another tangent and preach that you buy music.But if you feel like hearing one of those, I have a few videos where I'll beg you to do that and I'll just go ahead and post the links to those below. These bands need it, and they appreciate it more than you'll ever know.

     Moving on to the other bands, I must tell you that I had only heard a few songs from both Falling in Reverse and Black Veil Brides and I had decided upon listening to these few songs that I wasn't crazy about either of them. I didn't exactly dislike what I'd heard, it just didn't capture my interest. The impression, the first impression I got from Falling in Reverse as a live act was theatre. The lead vocalist was extremely dramatic in his movements, and somewhat robotic. I enjoyed the songs they played, though and their energy was good. They had me thinking I should give their music another listen. And then, they stopped mid-song to check on an injured fan. And they didn't start back up again until she was safely relocated to a less crowded area in the venue. This happened three times during their set and it really made me respect them. It's important for bands to maintain care for their fans. Because the music is better when it's made to be shared in a mutual relationship, rather than one in which love is only received by the artist(s) and not given. As I've said before: reciprocation.

     Black Veil Brides was the big name on the ticket, the one all of the girls screamed for and "like ohmygosh he just LOOKED at me! Did you see that?!" To me, they were just a show band. Sure, the music was good, but I felt a lot more like they were trying too hard to entertain, far more than they were playing music for a crowd. I've never felt more like an audience member before in my life. And to me, at a concert, there should be a crowd of willing participants in an act of love for music and out of mutual or similar feelings and experiences. Action trumps attention. And trust me, you're going to hold my attention a lot better if you prompt me to be active during your set. But besides all of that, I wasn't crazy about the vocals or lyrics. I felt like what this band had to offer was something that could be fabulous instrumental work with the removal of the unnecessary, less than special, vocal portions. I know there is an army of BVB fans out there just waiting to throw stones at me for that now. But honestly, I mean no disrespect. You love what you love, and I'm just glad that you have found something that sets your soul on fire. And it obviously does. Because I wasn't that into the Black Veil Brides set, I stood back and watched the fans instead of the band after a while. And witnessing that level of fandom was a joy for me to experience again. It's one of my favorite parts of any show: the crowd, the energy, all of the feelings exuding from hundreds of people... it's euphoric.

More than all of that, like I said in the beginning, this was my niece's first concert experience, and things went more perfect than I could imagine. Even though we were late, we didn't miss anyone she wanted to see. We got up front. She caught a sweat towel (I know, yuck, but I get it) with all of that nasty 'I'm in the middle of a set and there are a thousand degree lights beaming on me' from one of her favorite band members of her very favorite band. And when Cody of Set it Off hugged her, she cried a little. I could not have dreamed of a better first experience for her. And I'm so grateful that I got to be there for that. Introduction into the world of live music is a big thing, if you're as crazy about music as I am.

Here are those video links I promised:


Actual Mail: P.O. Box 424 Gruetli-Laager, TN 37339

Saturday, April 26, 2014


Front Porch Society

"Finding Forward"
First impressions are important!
They couldn't have picked a better track to use as the opening to their album. "Finding Forward" gives the perfect motivational push to get you to feel that need to listen to the entirety of the album that mirrors that name. Trust me, you're not going to put the album down after hearing that for an introduction.

"Hold On (Let Go)"
Honestly, for me the song doesn't start until 1:19. I found myself uninterested until that point. To be fair, I am particular about female vocals and lightweight songs. But don't let the beginning of this song fool you. The song as a whole is no lightweight entity. And the slow start is necessary to create the fantastic buildup to heavier things. I feel like the progression of the song allows aid for one to do exactly what the song title suggests: Hold on... Let go. This is absolutely a therapeutic track.  

"Dry Ground"
The first time I listened to this album, I really thought the title track was my favorite. And I still love it just as dearly as the first time I heard it. But, "Dry Ground" is the one I find myself singing around the house, before I ever click play on anything. So I guess it wins, doesn't it? It has held hostage a portion of my musical storage bin (AKA brain), and I'm completely fine with that. "Because I'm way too young to be this desert I've become" and "I'm afraid that my roots have turned to chains. Would you catch my fallin' heart?" Do those type of lyrics really need any further glorification? Nope. Put your heart back in your chest. I know it jumped out after that.

Something about a piano and an acoustic guitar just hold the potential to emit the feeling of safety, comfort, and home... well for me they do. This song starts out sounding like a peaceful night of pondering, and I guess it ends up that way. But I got a little more out of it than that. To get personal about it, it honestly brought me back to coming home after two weeks of constant travel and participation in charity during that travel. Something about seeing new places, new people, and working towards the common well-being of the human race will really put your mind in a different state. Coincidentally, when I arrived home from this particular trip, it was very late at night and I did experience exactly what I feel this song is about. I don't know, maybe I'm just attaching it to my personal experience, as I often will do with music, but it makes it all that more special. However, with those things put together: coming home late after travel and having my mind still on those I had been putting my efforts towards really put me in that place: "But I can't stop wondering if my world deserves to change." Significant life experiences can sometimes make you feel insignificant in the grand scheme of things.
Personal past experience aside, "Everything is fine," can be a grand thing, but sometimes it can be discouraging. Nobody really wants "fine" out of life, and I feel that was part of the point.
On top of that, once you move out of your family home, life is different. And this could be about that. Because going "home" for me, you know the home that isn't really my home anymore, but will always be home, can be a comfort sometimes and sometimes it can make me disappointed in myself for not being who I once thought I'd be by now.

"Beautiful Mess"
I don't have a ton to say about this song, other than everyone has one of those. And you will relate to this song. Maybe not yet, but at some point in your life, this will be your anthem. It's pretty much about a failed relationship and it sounds a lot like a first love-type thing to me. As every in track on this album, the lyrics are flawless and gorgeous.

Is a double cover, and of course, they did it very well.

Is most definitely a love song to a state, unless you know of a girl with trees and sunsets sprouting from her somewhere. I feel like it was an important track for this band because loving where you live is half of the battle in enjoying life.

I have to express that my favorite part of Finding Forward is the intelligence and beauty that are both constants in the lyrics of every song. Musicians can fake their way through tons of things, but genius writing is not one of them.

Front Porch Society has started on a new project, which you will get updated of on their Facebook and Bandcamp. I highly suggest following this group of talented musicians to keep up with their progress and growth.

Front Porch Society's Links:

Click the thumbnail below to watch the video review:

Here's where you'll find me:
Physical Mail: P.O. Box 424 Gruetli Laager, TN 37339

Sunday, March 30, 2014


"Sam Brown" is a fantastic pop/rock artist who was clearly meant to do exactly what he's doing. He's from Charlotte, NC. The extensive musical studies behind him have clearly helped to form him into a well-rounded, professional musician. But studies don't create talent, which is something he obviously has loads of. Go check out his music and buy his "37 Reasons" EP on iTunes!

37 Reasons You Should Listen to Sam Brown 

Sam's music was kind of pushed on me, if we're being honest here (and we are). It was another one of those instances where I wasn't exactly excited to listen. It was one of those "Hey, check out my friend," things. But you know, as usual, I obliged. I went into it huffing and rolling my eyes in protest. I really should work on my attitude, I suppose (I probably wont). You never know where you're going to find the next thing you fall in love with. That keeps getting proven to me.

After a few conversations about Mr. Brown with a mutual friend where I repeatedly said, "Send it to me and I'll give it a listen," I got a formal and kind email from Sam that contained a link to download his EP. As it was downloading, the huffing and eye-rolling occurred. To be fair, my attitude stemmed from the fact that I hate telling people I don't like what someone they care about is doing. But when someone asks me for my opinion, I'm going to give it to them... and I won't hold back. In short, I didn't want to have to offend someone.

When the music completed its download, I opened it up in my media player and scanned through the song titles. I never just play the first track first. I always pick the song that has the most interesting title.
1. Who Cares
2. Felony
3. Miss Understanding
4. Think of You

I fought with myself for a few minutes on this one because honestly, the only title that didn't grab my attention was "Think of You." For whatever reason, I decided that "Miss Understanding" was the most interesting of them all and held my breath as I hit play. He had me in 3 seconds flat (In case you're wondering: yes, that is before he even starts singing). I was absolutely hooked. I found myself both not wanting the song to end  because I loved it so much and wishing it would hurry up and be over because I couldn't hear them all fast enough.

As that first song came to an end, I began to get a little worried that none of the other tracks would be able to measure up to how amazing that one was. I started to wish I'd just listened to them in order. Yes, I am actually that much of a music geek that things like this make me anxious. Apparently on this day I was just wrong over and over again. I'm glad I was.

Although I didn't listen to 37 Reasons in order (I know, I'm such a rebel), I'm going to tell you about it in order. Here's why: the order is perfect. It's exactly the way you should listen to it.

1. "Who Cares"
I have never, ever, ever in my life listened to anyone and felt the need to shout, "THAT SOUNDS LIKE QUEEN!"
Ever. Until I heard this song. I kid you not, I pointed at the computer and shouted, "THAT SOUNDS LIKE QUEEN!" ...and everyone else in the room looked at me like I had completely lost my mind. Yep, I had headphones in, otherwise they would have just nodded in agreement. No worries, everyone I spend time with is well aware of my enthusiasm for music. Anyways, that sounds like Queen; I feel like no further explanation is necessary.

2. "Felony"
Everything about this song is wonderful... and marvelous. Yeah, I just did that, sue me.
2:35-2:45 is my favorite part of the song. Can I just tell you how odd that is? There are no lyrics in this 10 second span and it's MY favorite part. Miss obsessive compulsive lyric disorder... yeah.
But then again, there's the rest of the song. Have I ever mentioned how much of a sucker I am for the drums? It's the first thing you notice in this song... or that I noticed anyway. It actually isn't the introductory instrument. I had to start this song over just to figure out what it was even remotely about because I was so stuck on the drums. I don't know why, it's a simple beat, but that's what happened.
I'm going to just stop my rambling now and tell you that it's a fabulous upbeat love song. The instrumentals are absolutely perfect. And the last two seconds will make you want to... um... nevermind.

3. "Miss Understanding"
This is my new favorite song. Just in case you didn't know, that alone is saying a LOT. Currently, there are 461 artists  just in the music library on my computer. Look, if you don't read all of my posts, you're not going to understand this, but this is that rooftop/megaphone music. If I could pass out the feeling that this song gives me, I'd be handing it out to people daily.

In some instances, there are ways that a musician will sing a single word and it just absolutely makes me melt every time I hear it. Examples:

Isaac Slade, "heartless" oh God... and "all," yes, all.
Kevin Ghost, "fantasy"
Gallager, "sun"
Zac Hanson, "doll"

Yeah, well, as soon as I heard this song, one was added to that list:
Sam Brown, "sunsets"

There are a few songs I truly favor. For the longest time “Happiness,” by The Fray has been my absolute favorite song. But it was for one reason: the lyrics. Another one of my favorites is “Skeleton,” by Ghost Town. But that was just for the play on words. Do you see a trend? It’s very rare that I find a song that I love for every single element of it. But here is that once in a blue moon.

It’s like magic. The guitar had me at the very beginning. I mean, I was sold. I didn't care what this song was even going to be about. But then in comes Sam singing in a way that demands you pay attention to what he’s saying. I usually don’t like punchy vocals. Honestly, I usually despise them. It works so well for this song that it’s not even funny.  

I’m no expert, but I swear I hear hi-hat throughout this song pretty consistently, which is another thing that usually doesn't work (excessive cymbals of any kind, actually). But I don’t think this song would have been half of what it is minus that element, or really any of its other elements. 

You don’t even want to get me started on the lyrics. You guys know I use the term “ear oxygen” pretty consistently with just about any kind of music I love. This surpasses that by far. I mean, I’m trying to make up some new word to match it. The English language just does not supply terms worthy of this song. “Perfect” is even inferior. I could literally talk about this single track for hours.

4. "Think of You"
It's very pop. I feel like that sounds like a warning but um, have you seen the list pop artists I love? It's not. This one took me just a little longer to get into than all of the others. The lyrics got me, though. Not that the music isn't up to par or anything. I don't know, I guess I just feel like this song would have sounded better if it was a little less busy. For instance, 2:52-end is my favorite part of the song. I love the song. I just think I personally would have loved it even more as an acoustic track. But you know how I love acoustic tracks. So, there may not be anyone on the face of the earth that agrees with that statement about this song.

The only real complaint I have about 37 Reasons is that it's too short. And that's just because it's so amazing. I can't wait to hear Mr. Brown's future projects! He says he's about to start posting covers, and actually already has one of those up. You can find that on his Youtube channel along with a few lyric videos for original songs. You can find his EP on iTunes under the name DeForest... but just a heads up, he's not the only one. Yeah, I got a good laugh out of the other one. Just make sure what you're downloading on there is off of the 37 Reasons EP, unless you're looking for something that isn't quite as PG rated.

I know this post is called "37 Reasons You Should Listen to Sam Brown..." and nope, I didn't number them. Trust me though, there are more than 37 reasons in this blog post. Count them if you like. Just know that the first one is "Because you can" and the most important one is "Because I said so."

Sam Brown's Links:

Just in case you missed it, here's the video review:

Musical Questions with Sam Brown:

And here's my review of Sam Brown's most recent work 'Breakfast in New York':

And, as usual, every Earthly way to contact me minus my cell phone number:
virtual mail:
physical mail: P.O. Box 461 Gruetli-Laager, TN 37339

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Jay Mont & No Dayz Off Review (TBMYDKYWM 9)

Jay Mont

If you've seen the episode of "The Best Music You Didn't Know You Were Missing" where I talked about Jay, you know that I underestimated him off the bat. I had heard so many less than worthy artists in the genre he dominates that it happened automatically. I try to have an open mind for the most part. And I find that when I don't, I tend to get shown. Well, this case is no different, I got shown. And I don't think I've ever been happier to be proven wrong where music is concerned. Another thing I'm learning is that people get put into your path for a reason. I feel blessed to be able to say that I don't just consider Jay to be a great artist, but also a friend of mine. On top of that, his work ethic inspires me daily.

I gained a lot by doing this episode of TBMYDKYWM, and it was all a happy accident.

I can't very well talk about Jay without mentioning the family he has beside him. No Dayz Off is an organization filled with elite talent and (as the name implies) 7 day work weeks. These guys don't stop, they're always working. And when they're not working... they're working.

Tmitch, from Ringgold, GA, DJs, sings, and raps. he says he "fell into music as a teen and been pushing ever since." FIZ SRP, from up north (born in New York, raised in New Jersey), is a producer and engineer. 
 He started SRP Productionz ©® in 1996. Silk Blizm, from Miami, FL, is the CEO/ producer/ engineer of Get'em Boiz Productions and also produces for N.D.O.. 

Every single one of these guys refer to each other as family, and it's not just something they say. It's in their actions. I want you to pay close attention to where each of them are from and realize that this is not the family they were born into, but one they chose to be a part of. Sometimes families we build are far stronger than those we hail from.

Usually I talk more about what the music is like than the artists themselves, but I felt that this was the best way to introduce them to you. Now I have a gift for you, straight from the N.D.O. lab:
Here's the golden key to the mixtape, download it and enjoy!


And Here's "Jay Mont: The Best Music You Didn't Know You Were Missing 9"

You found me:
Physical Mail: P.O. Box 461 Grutli-Laager, TN 37339

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Shout London Band Review (TBMYDKYWM 8.2)

Shout London

Shout London is amazing. Okay, let me elaborate... Have you ever listened to an album, come to a song and think to yourself, "this is my favorite song on this album," and then change your mind with every track change? That is exactly how I feel every time I listen to Rememories from Shout London. I can't pick a favorite, because they are all so fantastic. Their lyrics are so easy to relate to and each song has a perfect sound to go along with them. Most of their songs are upbeat and have a fun sound. It reminds me a lot of sun and summer. So, let's call them sunny pop/rock. I can't listen to Shout London and be in a bad mood, it's just not possible.

This band is working hard and making moves in a big way. They're in the running (and towards the front of the line) for Warped Tour 2014, and I couldn't be more excited for them!  I'd say it won't be too long before you hear them on a radio near you, but they're hoping to hit the studio soon. I give it two years before you turn on your local popular radio station and hear them. Hopefully, it won't take that long, but it takes a while to write for and put together an album and they remain unsigned, so promotion for radio will be difficult.

They are actually running an Indiegogo campaign right now to raise money to get back into the studio. I'm not sure how large their fanbase is, but they're offering some really awesome things in return for contributions. So, if you love and have faith in this band like I do, I encourage you to contribute to their next project. You can find the video where they talk about it HERE.

Regardless of how much money they raise or what comes their way, I have faith in this band's success because they have the music in them and personalities to get there.

Shout London's Links

Here's 8.2 of "The Best Music You Didn't Know You Were Missing" where I talk about Shout London, with half of my head that I didn't know I was missing:

And here's every possible way to contact me minus my cell phone number:
Virtual Mail:
Physical Mail: P.O. Box 461 Gruetli-Laager, TN 37339
Feel free to send me music or words and stuff on any forum
<u3 HP

Thursday, March 20, 2014


Jesse Will

Jesse Will just so happens to make one of my very favorite kinds of music. Yes, he has that gorgeous acoustic sound. Call me simple-minded, but there's just something far more personal about an artist and an unplugged guitar sharing their soul with yours. Now, before I go on, I'd like to add that there's obviously bass in Jesse's music (along with subtle use of other instruments), but I still feel like his sound revolves around his acoustic guitar and his voice. I think I'll call him soft alternative. 

While this type of music is my very favorite, I have to take it in small doses. I am deeply affected by the music I listen to... So if I were to listen to what I'm calling "soft alternative" for an entire week, I'd be so down you wouldn't be able to see me in the hole I dug for myself, much less pull me out of it. Just another example of my depth of love for music and its magnitude of control over me.

Moving on, I'd just like to say that Mr. Will is a polite, humble, and very talented man. His songs are so meaningful, in fact, that if you sat down and listened carefully to the lyrics and focused on the stories behind his songs, you'd likely be in that deep dark hole with me (possibly crying). I feel like it sounds like I'm putting his music down. But I don't really know how else to explain to you just how talented he is without explaining how sad his songs can make me. Let's face it, deep usually = sad overwhelmingly depressing. He's got a few of those up his sleeve. But while the stories that are intertwined in the clever wording of Mr. Will's lyrics are sad, they remain some of the most beautifully choreographed words I've heard in all my life. And I listen to a lot of words and stuff. (haha)

If you've experienced loss, in pretty much any form, this music is a gift for you. I have no doubt that whatever you may be grieving, Jesse Will has a song that will help move the process along.
I mean, just....

"And I walk where the rain knows my name."

Try to tell me that's not one of the most beautifully tragic lines you've ever heard in your life. You'd be lying. Don't be a liar, nobody likes that. What I'm getting at is that in most cases, my opinion is an opinion. But in Jesse Will's case, I'm pretty sure I can just speak like this is fact: if pens are swords, Jesse's equipped with a few super secret golden samurai blades, and they're not getting dull any time soon.

Jesse Will's Links:

If you missed "The Best Music You Didn't Know You Were Missing 8.1" don't even worry, it's right here:

Fake mail I can really read:
Mail I get to read and touch: P.O. Box 461 Gruetli-Laager, TN 37339

Kristina Grafer Artist Review (TBMYDKYWM 7.2)

Kristina Grafer

Kristina is one of those artists that realizes how important social networks are for promotion. She's out there promoting her music through these outlets. She is one of the artists that found me, rather than me finding her. I get a lot of links through Twitter, and I listen to them all. I'm not going to lie to you and say that I enjoy them all. To be completely upfront about it, I actually dislike over half of the music I'm sent or find that the artist just isn't ready to be let out into the world, they still need to put in some work. That isn't and wasn't the case with Kristina Grafer's music. I immediately realized that she as an artist is a force to be reckoned with. She has the talent, she has the knowledge on how to use it, and she has the hunger to get it heard. Her stuff not only sounds good, but she also has it packaged well. It's sitting in her online store on bandcamp, just waiting to be bought by consumers who need what she has to offer in their lives.

When I listen to an artist for the first time, I often take notes. As I look back over the notes I wrote about Kristina's music, I find that I kept coming back to the word 'nautical'. I didn't use this word in my video review while I was describing her music because I couldn't figure out how it fit. But still, every time that I hear her music that word pops into my head. I'm no uneducated moron, I know what the word means. As a matter of fact, let's just define it right here:

Nautical: adjective. 1. of or concerning sailors or navigation; maritime.

The more I think about it the more I realize that it does fit. Maybe not with her music as a whole, but certainly with her voice. I find her voice to be peaceful and beautiful, and for whatever reason it reminds me of the ocean. I'm not saying she's like a seashell that you can hold up to your ear and hear waves. It's just the visual that her voice brings me back to every single time. Maybe that's because the ocean represents a peaceful feeling for me. But thinking about that definition of the word further, I can see it fitting in a broader spectrum:

Nautical: adjective. 1. of or concerning sailors or navigation; maritime.

Her writing talent is astonishing. And many of her songs touch on life direction and paths... Navigation. I suppose this is the moment where I should just realize that if I trusted my gut from the start more often, I'd understand things better more quickly. However, I'm happy to have had this time to sit here and ponder it, and really understand the feeling Kristina Grafer's music gives me.

I suppose I should go into more detail on what her music actually sounds like, since this is supposed to be a review and all. Her first EP, Note to Self, is an acoustic thing of beauty and depth. Her most recently released EP, Sincerity, has a bold full rock band sound. Both of them are wonderful, and in my opinion, something your music library probably wishes you'd just buy already. Because without it, your music library is most certainly incomplete. Also, as a person, I find her to be very sure of what she wants, while somehow managing to still be very sweet and humble.

I see a lot of success in her future, and hope that it comes soon for her, because she's working her butt off to get there, and she has all of the talent to shine in any spotlight. My continued support and best wishes go out to Kristina, and I hope she knows that I'm right here ready to help her if she ever finds some way that I can.

She's in the Chicago area, so if you know of any venues looking for an act, you should let her know. Last I heard, she was looking for shows to play. If you're looking for her music, you can listen to it on Pandora. But I'd just like to suggest going on over to bandcamp and buying it. She sells physical copies, and if I remember correctly, you get an instant digital download with the purchase of those.

Kristina Grafer's Links:

Just in case you missed "The Best Music You Didn't Know You Were Missing 7.2" here it is:

And again, bridges to my castles:
Virtual Mail:
Physical Mail: P.O. Box 461 Gruetli-Laager, TN 37339

Saturday, March 15, 2014


Rebel Revive

I'm  a sucker for a lot of things when it comes to music. There so many little things musicians can do to make me turn into butter. Acoustic tracks are, hands down, at the very top of that list. It just happened by accident that the first track I heard of Rebel Revive's was an acoustic version of "Skeletons" but it sure did leave me entranced. Of course, I had to follow that up with the album version of the very same song. I was expecting it to be good, but it's hard for anything to compete with an acoustic sound for me. I was very happily surprised to find that I love the album version of the song just as much as the acoustic version. And even better, the entire album, XI (Eleven), is a wonderful experience that picked me up and set me in a new place outside of my own world throughout the duration. That's right, this album is one of those living, breathing, experiences. It's a universe all it's own, and a great place to escape to. They have a beautiful and powerful rock sound. Trust me, this is one that you don't want to miss out on!

Rebel Revive Links:

Here's episode 7.1 of  "The Best Music You Didn't Know You Were Missing"

And even though the ways in which you can contact me rarely shift or alter, here they are again:

virtual mail:
physical mail: P.O. Box 461 Gruetli-Laager, TN 37339

Sunday, March 2, 2014

The Cribs & Ages and Ages Band Reviews (TBMYDKYWM 6)

The Cribs

This is another example of 'hooked me with their sound, kept me with their lyrics'. This band has an array of unbelievably clever and intelligent lyrics strung across a gorgeous rock sound. Some of these lyrics are sharp and spiteful, and that's part of what makes them go down so well. It isn't every day that you hear a band touch on world issues within the confines of what I have no doubt will be hit songs. They do it in a unique way, and it works so well. Go have a listen. And listen well, because those catchy tunes might just fool you for a moment into thinking that you're listening to everyday music. This absolutely is not everyday music. It's something far more extraordinary.

I just thought I'd add that recently I hear they've been eating a lot of lucky charms to fuel their writing muscles and are about to hop on the Weezer Cruise! I'm excited for them. That cruise has a good lineup this year and I'm sorry I'll be missing it.

The Cribs Links:

Ages and Ages

Let's be honest, I love every band that I share with you for many different reasons. But, everyone has their favorites. I've ran across some truly irreplaceable music over the past year. Without a doubt, this is one of those. Ages and Ages music is a lot like a drug without the horrible side affects. It is pure and beautiful. It makes me feel happy and... free. It's turn it all the way up and roll the car windows down music. It's jump and dance and sing along music. It's feel better music. It's medicine for the soul. This isn't something that can be faked or constructed. I don't know how this band came to be, but I have no doubt that it's an amazing story. Have you in your adult life been blessed with a moment of that pure innocent feeling of fun and freedom reminiscent of childhood? With no weights binding you and nothing to weigh the corners of your face into that horrible grown-up frown? Ages and Ages does that for me, and it is an experience so special that I just want to thank them. So, thank you, Ages and Ages. Thank you for giving me those moments. Thank you for offering the world, and all of the individuals in it the love you exhibit in your music. They have a new record coming out this month, it's called "Divisionary" and the title track is a deep one. I'm excited to hear all they have to offer us and continue to offer my support and best wishes to this band.

Ages and Ages Links:

Just in case you missed "The Best Music You Didn't Know You Were Missing" #6...

And if you've decided you have something to say to me, here's how you can do that:

Skype: hpfansonghost
Virtual Mail:
Physical Mail: P.O. Box 461 Gruetli-Laager, TN 37339

Saturday, March 1, 2014


This is my review of underground bands December Avenue, a Filipino band and Big Wreck, a Canadian band.

Big Wreck

This band sounds good, strike that... They sound great. And their sound is what kept me listening past that glorious 5 second deciding factor duration that most people (including myself) browsing soundcloud tend to give. Those five seconds are crucial. And that is the best bit of advice I feel I could give a musical act posting on soundcloud. Okay, enough about soundcloud. About Big Wreck: their sound kept me around for the duration of that first song (which if I remember correctly was "Albatross"). But what I really want to rave about is their l y r i c s. I'm going to do something here, maybe it's crazy, call me a rebel. Are you ready? Okay, hold on to your pants. I'm going to quote the FIRST line in "Albatross".
"One last cup of starlight before I wake and start my day."
I know, that was intense right? Well, it actually was for me. Anyone like me who tends to be attached to the night to an overwhelming extent would feel the same. That is such a beautiful line. Oh, but it doesn't stop there, nope. Just give them a listen and I guarantee you'll find a treasure chest full of gems just as shiny and colorful. That song actually isn't, as a whole, about night time. It's about longing for a life-change and being stuck inside of your issues because, no matter how tragic, there remains beauty and pleasure there. (Okay, that's coming straight from me. There was no Q & A with this band, and that is strictly my interpretation of that song. So don't sue me if it's actually about pie.)

Big Wreck's Links:

December Avenue

Before I even hit play on another song to listen to from them while I write this, can we just talk about "Breathe Again" for a minute? Holy eargasm, Batman! No joke, it is perfection and the best part of the entire song is when they actually sing the words "breathe again." I mean that and trust me, it's a rarity for a short phrase to mean so, so much. But December Avenue made it into something truly and overwhelmingly meaningful. When I hear them singing, "breathe again" it really is just like fresh air and open skies. It reminds me of Oklahoma. And for those of you who don't know, a big piece of my heart stays there with enormous puffy clouds and all of that state's varying beauties. Some of which are the city lights of Tulsa and topping that highway ramp to see them glitter like the stars. It's just like feeling whole again after months of being torn. It's like you can breathe, and I mean really breathe and take everything in after a long stressful period of time. Alright, I swear I wasn't trying to make this review about Tulsa, that was just the only way I knew to describe the feeling that song gave me. (sidenote, if you've never been, throw Tulsa on your to-do list) December Avenue, the band, actually has absolutely nothing to do with Tulsa, Oklahoma... they're from the Philippines. Uh, yeah, now do you guys see what I mean about people attaching their own memories, feelings, and meanings to songs? Anywho... Their sound is a distinct one. If you have them on a playlist, even if it's a song you haven't heard yet, you're going to know it's them in two seconds flat. It's beautiful and it should be on U.S. radio. Trust me, I mean nothing bad by saying this, but thank God it's not. Because U.S. radio would just ruin it. Sure, it would be fortunate for this band, but I can't even count how many AHMAZING songs radio has ruined for me (which is why I've limited myself to tuning in only once a month, trust me new things don't come any more frequent than that). If you haven't heard this band, then that's a pity. It's an absolute must-do. You can find them all up on soundcloud and a few other places that I'll throw down below. You don't have to thank me, just be sure to let them know how in love you are after that first song. And if you want, you can even let them know I sent you.

December Avenue's Links:

Just in case you missed it, here's the video version of

And here's a stalker pass, just for you:
H-mail (because E-mail is so 90's and my name starts with H):
That box I have a key to where things magically appear: P.O. Box 424 Gruetli-Laager, TN 37339

Friday, February 28, 2014

The Night VI Band Review (TBMYDKYWM 4)

The Night VI

The Night VI has a sound that I can only describe as beautifully peaceful. It's soft and light, and wonderful. I was having a rough day earlier this week and for me this band was a perfect fit. Their song "Fears" is a magnificently calming track that can lay all of the stresses in life to rest if only for the duration of the song. This is a great band to listen to when you're down or even when you just want to relax. I think I could let them sing me to sleep every night. The sound isn't the same, but the feeling they give me reminds me of the feeling I get from The Fray's album "How to Save a Life" (The album, as a whole, not the track alone). Peace and clarity, and just being weightless, that's the feeling in the best of my ability to describe it.

The Night VI Links:

The Orwells

The Orwells have an amazing full rock sound. When I do these reviews, I look back on the artists' youtube and listen to them as I write. It's an odd experience in this case, because I can't seem to find any of the songs of theirs that I loved. I think what happened is the songs I listened to were on their record label's youtube. I'm not going to go hunting for it I just want to say that these guys have a good sound and you should check them out. Just a heads up though, it seems like some of their songs are drug-related. (It doesn't bother me, but I just thought I'd let you know)

The Orwells Links:

In case you missed it, here's the fourth installment of
 "The Best Music You Didn't Know You Were Missing"

And here are the bridges to all of my castles:

Mail you can't touch:
Mail you can touch: P.O. Box 461 Gruetli-Laager, TN 37339

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Never Let This Go Band Review (TBMYDKYWM 3)

Never Let This Go

Never Let This Go is a U.S. band (happy dance). They reign from Tempe, AZ. This band has a strong and fun sound. A lot of their songs seem to be about trials and triumphs over relationships. It works for them. This is definitely a good band to listen to pre-, during, and post- breakup. I also tend to find quite a sense of empowerment as a result of listening to pretty much any of their songs. While their songs may be about deep, dark topics, the sound they accompany them with is upbeat and strengthening, which is why I call it a "fun" sound. It's always fun to feel strong during trying times, and this band can give you that with their music.

Lower Than Atlantis

I had about 3 paragraphs written here, but I deleted that. My only purpose in creating this blog, Youtube, and Twitter was to promote bands, and what I had written in this space was not promotional. All I have to say about this band that is promotional is that they sound good. Don't take this as me being lazy, it isn't. It's me holding back from an honest viewpoint that wouldn't be in the promotional spirit of things. If any member from Lower Than Atlantis does read this, feel free to contact me on any forum, and I'll give you the notes I have for your band, best of luck!

Just in case you missed it, 
here's the third installment of "The Best Music You Didn't Know You Were Missing"

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Dirty Kluger & Oscar Bell Band Reviews (TBMYDKYWM 2)

Dirty Kluger

With funky guitars, all of the right drum beats and wailing vocals, Dirty Kluger has all of the tools to rock your world. Their sound makes me think of The Doors, and actually makes me feel the need to throw them on a playlist with The Doors. What they have is beautifully different and refreshing in this time where so many bands just sound the same. I love having a different sound to go with my different moods. I'd also like to add that the beginning of "Don't Kill Your Own Buzz" takes me back to Johnny Cash. It really sounds to me like this band has looked to the past for inspirations from many different types of greats and combined them to create something wonderful. When I listen to them, it takes me back to a time when music was pure and beautiful. When musicians weren't afraid to let music be music; a time where guitar and drum solos were frequent. These guys know that their instruments are just as strong a tool as their vocal chords. And, at least by me, this element and bravery in music has been greatly missed. The vocals also differ from the current stereotypical "Rock" lead vocal in a gorgeous fashion. The lead singer has a voice like the sex and butter. Laugh at me, but go on and listen to it and tell me it doesn't give you one of the best feelings in the world (sex) and isn't one of the most unbelievably smooth voices you've heard today (butter). I got you there, didn't I? You're welcome.


Dirty Kluger Bandcamp
Dirty Kluger Facebook
Dirty Kluger Youtube
Dirty Kluger Twitter 

Oscar Bell

I found this guy completely by accident when I was voting for a local artist in an online contest. Let me just go ahead and tell you it was one amazingly happy accident. Every time he posts, I get blown away by the magnitude and variety of his talents. I could probably talk about Oscar Bell for days, but I'll try to keep this on the short end. The first thing that got me was his outstanding ability and ease of which he handles a guitar. Let me just go ahead and recommend you watch THIS VIDEO to see what I saw upon first introduction. On top of his great vocals and mind-blowing guitar skills, this guy has a writing talent that I feel even surpasses some of the greats in our recent history. I'm always happy to hear him perform anything, but I much prefer his originals to anything. I'm definitely rooting in his corner, just call me super-fan. His acoustic stuff is my favorite, but he also happens to be pretty talented in the electronic production department, and a lot of his new music reflects that. Don't shoot me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure he's in university now for that very thing. I was recently granted the gift of a golden key pass at a few of his new songs (one cover and one original). And I can tell you that without a doubt, he is continuing to grow as an artist, though I wasn't even sure there was room for growth there. Watching his progression has really been a beautiful thing to experience, and I just can't stress enough that if you haven't heard him, you're missing something truly magnificent. Deprive yourself no longer.


Oscar Bell's Youtube
Oscar Bell's Band Camp (This is where you buy that magic!)
Oscar Bell's Facebook
Oscar Bell's Twitter

Just in case you missed this installment of "The Best Music You Didn't Know You Were Missing" here it is:

Find Me:

My Youtube
My Twitter
My Facebook
Skype: hpfansonghost
Virtual mail:
Physical mail: P.O. Box 461 Gruetli-Laager, TN 37339

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Lakeshore Avenue & RadioDriveBy Band Reviews (TBMYDKYWM 1)

Lakeshore Avenue

Lakeshore Avenue is a punk band. But just to say they're a punk band is bland and generalized. They are, in the grand scheme of the genre, one of the most profound of our time. These guys are going to be huge, I have no doubt in my mind about that. While their sound is reminiscent of Green Day, they are not that band, nor are they a copy or reproduction of that band. They have their own sound and they own it! This is one of those bands that I make a pouty face about because I won't be seeing them live any time soon. I actually long for that experience. (Let me add that while I really enjoy concerts, there are very few bands that I think twice about not being able to see live).

On top of the high quality tracks they have available and that amazing once-in-a-lifetime sound of theirs, they also happen to be very gracious and friendly. I'll let you take a minute to tend to your whiplash from that statement... However surprising it may be, it certainly is the truth. As I listen to them, I wonder if they even realize the magnitude of what they have. It's magic. That's the only logical explanation. o.O

All jokes aside, If you enjoy punk in the least bit, having a listen to this band would be an extreme favor to yourself. No need to thank me, it's what I do. If you've heard these guys, I'd love to know what you think of them. All of my links will be at the bottom of the page!

Lakeshore Avenue's Links:

Soundcloud  <-where the music is!


This actually has more of a pop sound than things I usually listen to. However, that doesn't make it any less fantastic. This is sing-and-dance-around-your-room or long road trip type music. I find it hard not to be happy when I'm listening to this band. So if you're searching for some good happy tunes, look no further, this is the band for you! You can find them on Spotify, which is convenient for avid Facebook users. They also have a youtube channel. Shout at them on Twitter, they're nice people.

RadioDriveBy's Links:


Just in case you missed the video, Here's the first installment of "The Best Music You Didn't Know You Were Missing"

My Links:

Skype: hpfansonghost