Finding this band was one of the happiest moments of my YouTube journey. And to this day, (more than two years later) they remain one of my favorite bands. "Satori" is still one of my most frequently used forms of therapy. This band blends all of the standard elements of a great rock band, creativity, intelligence, and passion in perfect measure.
It's not often that I run across a band that melts my heart with every element of their work. Every note, every riff, every beat, every lyric, EVERY CONVERSATION. I the Mighty is that band, though. I love everything they have done. I love how warm and kind they are after every show. I love how they'll have casual conversation about practically anything and hand out a hug if you ask nicely enough. They'll even pose how you want for a picture. They love back. A few of my favorite memories include Brent Walsh screaming in my face. And another is the time Ian stopped mid-soundcheck to strike up a conversation with me "Hey! I know you!" Yeah, they've seen me several times, but how many faces do they see in a week? Whether he actually recognized me or not, it sure made me feel good.

Since I put out the review that I'll be pasting below, I've seen this band 8 times live and they have put out a new album, Connector. They've also headlined their own tour, Connectour (which had the best opening acts of any tour in the history of touring) and gained a lot of recognition for their flawless sound. I feel lucky to have found them early enough to witness this growth. I'm so proud every time they reach a new milestone. This is a band I truly love.

While Connector has a different feel, all of the elements that made me fall for I the Mighty are still there. Everything I love about their sound remains. It's not as rough or bluntly in-your-face as their previous album, Satori. But Satori is a break-up album through and through. With Connector come new emotions: love and longing, romantic anticipation... but the spite isn't gone (thank heavens). "The Lying Eyes of Miss Erray" is one of my favorite tracks on the album and although it sounds upbeat and catchy, there's a bite to it if you pay any attention to the lyrics at all. OH and "Psychomachia" ahhhh that is pure spiteful heaven! It's hard to pick a single track as a favorite from Connector, as it was with Satori, but those two are probably up towards the top of my list.
I'm including a handful of pictures that I have taken at shows because I love this band and because I flipping can. You're welcome.
Click the thumbnail below to watch the video review:
In case you're a super music nerd like me... they're also in my warped tour video from 2014
I the Mighty's Links:
Here I am:
Email: hpfansonghost@gmail.com
Actual Mail: P.O. Box 424 Gruetli-Laager, TN, 37339